About PAGS

PAGS® (Profile, Assessment and Goal Setting) believes in the potential of every child. The online analysis tool is a child focused inclusive platform that provides solutions to overcome learning and psycho-social barriers. The 360° profile assessment provides concrete evidence to show every learners progress. It provides an accurate baseline in all key areas. PAGS® questionnaires are looking at fundamental aspects of a child’s educational & developmental growth.

The questionnaire is validated through evaluation of the relationships between the PAGS® and standardised questionnaires that are widely used in the field of psychology and education.

As everything is digitised, the different people involved with the child can collaborate on giving the necessary information, allowing for an accurate and holistic view of the child. PAGS® provides targeted strategies and signposts resources that can be used to support the Child’s educational & developmental growth.


PAGS® (Profile, Assessment and Goal Setting) assesses skill development through four modules.

Communication and Interaction: Development of verbal, nonverbal and functional communication. This targets general language, questioning, nonverbal communication and questioning skills.

Social Interaction and Social Awareness: Development of assertiveness, empathy and self-awareness. This builds awareness of personal rights and responsibilities.

Self Regulation: Development of adaptability. This targets management of behavior, emotions, stress and change.

Cognition and Learning: Development of core ability and processing. This targets real life problem solving, memory and learning strategies.


I want to appreciate the team that came to the school. When the training was to start, the perception was, we can't. But as soon as it took off, we began to see that it was a laudable program - an eye opener which is important for every school. Infact, I can see it being implemented in classes. Whether a school is in the rural area like ours or in the city, it is necessary and worth it. Thank you for coming to our school. We hope to bring you again.

- School Director - Abuja

When it comes to assessments and target setting, PAGS saves me considerable time (approx. 1 hour per student) each week. Especially given the amount of undiagnosed need in my setting, the standardised assessments across the 4 areas of need reduces the time I spend locating and collating information from observations and relevant screening assessments of each student to generate targets. As PAGS targets are all SMART this also reduces time needed for checking targets meet the criteria and getting them approved (I do not need approval for PAGS targets, I can share them with staff as soon as they are selected on the platform). I have also saved time across the year by training other members of staff on PAGS so that those who know the student best can carry out the assessments (with permission) without having to arrange additional meetings with myself.

In regards to recording, with PAGS, it takes approximately 5-10 minutes or even less (depending if any files are being uploaded as evidence) to record session progress for a student. Without PAGS this would likely take 20-30 minutes. It also saves significant time when accessing/sharing student SEND information as session history, evidence and progress is tracked for you automatically with PAGS. Without PAGS I would need to put aside additional time to review each students file to assess how they are progressing and ultimately whether they had met their target or not.

- Stone Soup Academy UK

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